Palliative Care

Palliative Care Information for patient families and carers

We are here and awake all night, so please don’t wait ‘til morning light!

Shropdoc is here to help when your surgery is closed:

  • Mon—Thurs 6pm—8am
  • Friday from 6pm right the way through to Monday 8am
  • All day bank holidays

Please note that it can be difficult for us to visit in the margins of our
service i.e. after 06:30am on  weekdays. We will do our utmost to see you, but if this is impossible then we will pass your call urgently at 8am to your GP or District Nursing service. Therefore, please ring us as early as possible if you are having difficulties.

Whenever you need help or advice from a GP or nurse and your surgery is closed.

You will speak to a call handler who will ask you for your details and will ask you what is wrong— please tell the call
handler that you are a palliative care patient and if you are receiving any active treatment (e.g. chemotherapy, radiotherapy). You will receive a call back from a clinician within 20 minutes.

Yes if you need to be seen by a Doctor or an Urgent Care Practitioner (similar to an Advanced Nurse Practitioner).

We have limited access to your medical records, but we ask that surgeries share some extra information with us, which we call ‘flagging notes’. This will be available to the UCP or Doctor at Shropdoc.

Yes. Shropdoc sends all records to the GP surgery at 8am the following day to ensure they are up to date with what care you have received from Shropdoc.

Shropdoc works very closely with the hospice team to ensure that you receive the best possible care.

Yes. Shropdoc has a full range of medication and equipment to treat patient’s symptoms.