Your Feedback
Every experience counts
At Shropdoc, we are committed to delivering the best in care and are constantly looking at ways to improve the care and services we provide. We would like to know more about your contact with our organisation so that we know how we are doing.
All feedback is taken seriously and is used to either praise staff for the excellent care or service they have provided, or to make improvements where needed. Many improvements within our organisation have started with feedback from a patient, family member or carer. You really can make a difference by telling us about your experience.
If you have encountered one or more our service, please take a moment to answer our patient experience survey, the Shropdoc Friends and Family Test, based upon the feedback tool for people who use NHS services. You will be able to include any additional comments about your encounter at the end of the survey. Moreover, if you wish to discuss any suggestions with a member of our clinical quality team, please do not hesitate to contact us on the number listed below.
Friends and Family Test
The Friends and Family Test is derived from a national NHS initiative that began in 2013, so called because patients were asked if they would recommend a hospital ward or department to friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment. The survey name has remained the same ever since. The principal question posed is:
“Overall, how was your experience of our service?”
You can rank your answer from ‘very good’ to ‘very poor’. You will have the opportunity to explain your score by adding comments, and answering some follow-up questions if you wish. This is important because we can only make changes if we know exactly what is or is not working.
Your responses are anonymous and consequently you will not be identified by your feedback unless you provide specific information within the free text section. Your comments may be displayed on our public facing website and we advise you to read our external privacy policy which can be accessed by clicking on 'privacy' at the bottom of this page.
Please note that the Friends and Family Test does not replace our complaints and concerns procedure (see below).
For further information about the Friends and Family Test, please go to the original source:
Your feedback makes a difference
Every day across all our services, we aim to change things, both large and small as a result of your feedback. Please let us know if you have any feedback and suggestions by contacting our Clinical Quality Team.
Here are some examples of some of the patient feedback and of a how its led to positive changes as a result:
You said
When it says a call back in 2 hours and its been more than 4 hours, just a courtesy call to say you're extremely busy and ask if anything has changed would be appreciated.
We did
Sometimes when there are high call volumes and clinically urgent cases come into Shropdoc, call backs to patients can be delayed. To mitigate this, our Team Leaders review the call queues and if time and resources allow, comfort calls are conducted to provide our patients with an update and check if there's been a change in condition. Furthermore, at such times, we pool resources to increase our triage capacity to facilitate delivering safe and high quality care in a timely fashion. Currently there is a review of data related to demand and capacity to help ensure that sufficient numbers of staff are present at the busiest times.
Thank you for your feedback
Other examples of patient feedback:
"I was scared. I was listened to and felt understood, she calmed me down."
"Really gentle doctor, listened well, respectful and attentive, felt assured."
"I've always had a good service every time I use Shropdoc. I wish they were my doctors, thank you so much x."
"Very thorough, caring and friendly with very clear communication."
"Got my pain relief fast and spoke to me so that I could understand and reassured me with my concerns."
Other ways to give feedback
If you prefer, you can send your feedback to the Shropdoc Clinical Quality Patient Team by one of the following means;
A random selection of patients and service users following a face-to-face or phone consultation will receive a text message inviting them to share their experiences with us. Please note that this does not represent the full survey and if you receive such a message, we would be grateful if you could also complete the full survey through the link above. We are very grateful for your time in responding to us.” > If you wish to raise a concern or make a complaint |
Need a different format?
If you require the survey in another format, such as a language other than English or British Sign Language, please contact the team (details given below).
If you wish to fill out the easy read survey, please download and print by clicking the link. Once completed the survey can be sent to the Clinical Quality Team via post or email.
Download our Easy Read Survey and Information
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