Shropdoc Shufflers walking into 2023

The Shropdoc Shufflers are stepping into 2023 with a monthly commitment of long and short walks as a way of encouraging our staff to stay healthy.

Our Shufflers were out and about in 2022 with a series of organised walks and we enjoyed the experience so much that we have decided to step-up our activities on the path to a fitter future!

Fitness is key

As medical folk we are only too aware of the benefits of regular exercise and hope that setting this example will make other people think about their fitness and follow suit. Walking is probably the easiest way of exercising - it doesn’t require expensive equipment, it can be done anywhere and best of all it’s FREE!

Walking briskly:

  • Makes for a healthier heart 
  • Burns calories
  • Helps fight weight loss and diabetes
  • Builds stamina


Maintain a brisk pace

A brisk 10-minute walk each day may not sound like you are achieving much but it will make a difference and counts towards your recommended 150 minutes of weekly exercise. A brisk walk is faster than a stroll, about 3mph, and there is a free Active 10 app available for your Smartphone which, among other useful information, will tell you if you are walking fast enough.

If you are new to exercise we recommend that you start gradually and build up the distance you walk over a period of time. Make your daily walk a habit and try to build it into your regular routine.

Try walking instead of using the car over short distances, maybe to the shop or on the school run if it’s practical to do so. Take the stairs instead of using a lift and think about getting a walking buddy or joining a walking club.

Stepping out

The Shropdoc Shufflers will be making the effort to walk every month in 2023 and we will be making it accessible to all our staff by planning long and short walks, suitable for all capabilities - and of course our four-legged friends are welcome too.

The shufflers headed to the Stiperstones National Nature Reserve for the final walk in 2022, following a trip to Snowdonia earlier in the year where the Shufflers took on the daunting challenge of climbing Cader Idris. The trip was arranged by Dr Simon Chapple and involved staff from across our organisation.

We will also be sending a team to take part in The Movement Centre Snowdon Sunrise Challenge in June….it’s all go for the coming year!

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