Our Shropdoc services

Shropdoc is a provider of urgent primary care in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin and Powys and is well known for its out-of-hours support service via NHS 111.

But Shropdoc services stretch far beyond that and meet the needs of the community in a number of different ways.

What other services does Shropdoc provide?

Oncology advice line

The Oncology support line is a free and confidential call service for patients undergoing chemotherapy, radiotherapy or immunotherapy, providing advice and support for often troubling symptoms.

We currently offer this service to cancer patients at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital and also work in the Lancashire region and those using it come to us via their Oncologist or Cancer team.


Care co-ordination centre (CCC)

Our CCC helps any community-based referrer, including GPs, to find the most appropriate care for patients while avoiding unnecessary conveyance to emergency departments.


CCC and Single Point of Access (SPA)

We have recently expanded the CCC service to take calls from paramedics who might be considering transferring to ED so they can speak to our trusted assessors to facilitate access to assessment units in hospital.


Protected learning time

Protected Learning Time (PLT) is an opportunity for GP practice staff to address their own learning and professional development needs and may close for a period of time to allow Continuing Professional Development (CPD) learning activities. Shropdoc steps in during these times to ensure continued access for patients to support and GP services.


Palliative and End-of-life care

Shropdoc provides an out-of-hours palliative care helpline.

Palliative care is provided to those in their last year of life by GP practices and associated teams out in the community. Our helpline is for those in the final weeks of their life who may have troubling symptoms.

Our helpline details are communicated with you via your palliative care team.


How do I access these services?

Our out-of-hours service is accessed via 111. If you need urgent medical attention that will not wait until your own surgery is next open, you can call 111 for clinical assessment and Shropdoc will provide any face-to-face consultation required.

Other services are accessed directly by healthcare professionals on a patient's behalf or accessed by patients via referrals from a healthcare professional, such as your own GP.

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