Armed Forces Day 2023
Armed Forces Day takes place annually on the final Saturday in June, with events taking place across the country in the week leading up to the day.
The celebrations begin when the Armed Forces Day flag is raised on buildings and famous landmarks around the country.
The week is a chance to show support for the men and women who make up the Armed Forces community, from serving troops to service families, cadets to veterans - and Reserves Day on June 21st puts the spotlight on the Reserve Forces.
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Shropdoc’s commitment
The public show their support for the Armed Forces on Armed Forces Day, but the Armed Forces Covenant outlines how the Government, businesses and communities support Armed Forces personnel past and present throughout the year.
As signatories of the Covenant, Shropdoc is committed to the Armed Forces community and recognises the contribution that Service personnel, both regular and reservist, veterans and military families make to our organisation, our community and to the country.
Our local events
An Armed Forces Family Fun Day will take place at Shrewsbury Castle on June 24th from 11am to 3pm and is free to attend. Throughout the day, there will be interactive activities for all the family from local emergency services, charities and Shrewsbury Town FC.
An Armed Forces Day celebration is also taking place on June 24th from 11am – 4pm at Broadoaks, Donnington, with family activities, entertainment and displays to celebrate the occasion.
Visitors will be able to watch Madness Events with their spectacular trampoline show and take part in the have-a-go sessions after the show as well as the Savage Skills Bikes display team with their stunts, tricks and jumps. There will also be live music, a fun fair, free sports, activities and crafts and the opportunity to meet local Armed Forces Covenant organisations and military groups.
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Showing support for the Armed Forces provides a much-valued morale boost for the troops and their families.
You can find out more about what they are doing at home and around the world by visiting the official sites of the Royal Navy, British Army and Royal Air Force.
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